Las Vegas Foreclosures

Now is an excellent time to explore foreclosures in Las Vegas. This is because a significant inventory of homes are available, and thus buyers can benefit from competitive prices and prime opportunities.

Why Buy a Foreclosure in Las Vegas?

Las Vegas still has many foreclosed homes for sale, making it a good place for smart investors and first-time buyers. Lower prices and many home options give you a great chance to buy valuable property. Main key features are;

  • Buying at lower costs than in actual listings
  • Big return on investments
  • Opportunity to buy properties in the nicest neighborhoods in the city.

Browse Las Vegas Foreclosure Listings

The Process for Buying a Las Vegas Foreclosed Home

The process to buy a foreclosed home in Las Vegas is not difficult. A foreclosure that is priced well and in good condition can sell quickly, sometimes attracting multiple offers. In this situation the banks will only consider the highest and best offer, sometimes driving the price up where the home will sell above the list price. It will be important to find professional Las Vegas real estate agents specializing in Las Vegas MLS real estate, who are on top of their game, working aggressively to find the perfect home for you, prepare your offer quickly and negotiate efficiently so your offer is considered and ultimately accepted.

Saving Your Home From Foreclosure

If you are facing foreclosure, contact us today to find out how you can save yourself from a foreclosure, even though you may have received a Notice Of Default Period. Save your credit. You have choices. But time is of the essence, so do not delay.

Government Programs To Know About:

Home Affordable Refinance :

Homeowners with a mortgage of 105% or less of the home’s value, the homeowners may still be able to refinance at a lower rate.

Home Affordable Unemployment Program:

Homeowners that are currently unemployed, may qualify for suspended payments while they look for new employment.

Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP):

Homeowners with mortgage payments that are more than 31% of their household monthly income, may qualify for a loan modification.

Home Affordable Second Lien Modification:

Homeowners that have permanently modified the first mortgage under HAMP, may still receive help for their home equity loan or home equity line of credit (HELOC).

Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives (HAFA):

A government program which offers homeowners alternatives for settling your mortgage debt outside of foreclosure.

Call today to find out how you can save your home. Or, you can check out our Las Vegas Short Sale page for more information.

Browse Listings in Popular Las Vegas Neighborhoods

Explore more listing for Las Vegas Short Sale, Assumable Mortgage Listings in Las Vegas, Seller Financing and for details contact LV Real Estate Team at (702) 688-3508

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